Regulations for visiting Hangar Y

Updated on 13/02/2024


Article 1th Application of these regulations

These rules apply to visitors to the Hangar Y site, located at 9 avenue de Trivaux, 92 190 Meudon, as well as to individuals and groups authorized to temporarily occupy the premises.

These rules and regulations take into account occasional modifications and rules. They are in force on the Hangar Y site from 22/03/2023 until further notice.

The regulations apply to the following areas:

- Hangar Y building (exhibition spaces, immersive experience, café and bookshop);

- the park ;

- the workshop ;

- the restaurant ;

- entrance to the site and other areas open to the public.

Failure to comply with these regulations may result in expulsion from the site, or even prosecution.

The regulations are posted on the site, in the Hangar Y building, and published on the website.



Article 2: Opening times and periods

The park is open 7/7 and the hangar is open at weekends, on public holidays and every day during school vacations (zone C).

Opening hours :

- weekdays: 11am - 7pm

- weekends: 10am - 8pm

The park and Hangar Y are closed to the public on December 25 and January1.

Every evening, visitor evacuation measures begin approximately thirty minutes before the park closes, and five minutes before the Hangar Y building closes. Ticket machines and the ticket kiosk (open only on weekends, public vacations and vacations) stop issuing tickets fifteen minutes before closing time. The last entrance is 15 minutes before the site closes.

Some events may extend beyond the above times. In such cases, special arrangements are made for the evacuation of visitors.

Article 3: Pricing

Access to the park, the exhibition and the Hangar Y immersive experience, as well as to events presented on the site and organized by Hangar Y, are subject to the following rates, except for specific artistic projects.

The current rates are as follows:

Full price Reduced rate Free
Park ticket 3€ 2€ 0€
Exhibition ticket (park included) 10€ 7€ 0€
Epic ticket (park included) 12€ 8€ -
Y+ experience ticket (all inclusive) 19€ 13€ -
Child activity ticket 15€ 12€ -
Adult activity ticket 10 à 45€ - -
Family activity ticket 18€ - -
Y Pass 39€ - -
Small Y Pass 29€ - -
Other rates :
Exhibition ticket 7,50€ 5,50€ 0€
Hangar Y Epic" ticket 10€ 7€ -


The price is indicated in euros and is payable in euros only.

Reduced rates apply to students and under-26s.

Free admission is granted to visitors under 6 years of age, people receiving minimum social benefits, people receiving the minimum old-age pension, disabled people and their escorts, and press card holders.

To benefit from the reduced or free rate, you need to show proof of entitlement dating back less than three months.

A subscription package ("Y Pass", or "Small Y Pass") or "Laissez-passer" invitations and passes issued by Hangar Y also provide access to the park and/or exhibition, and/or to Hangar Y's immersive experience.

The above-mentioned tickets can be purchased at the ticket booth, from ticket machines or online. Payment at the ticket booth can be made in cash (€) or by credit card. Payment by credit card is accepted with no minimum. Bank checks, UpCulture checks and ANCV checks are not accepted.

Confirmation of a reservation at the Hangar Y restaurant offers free access to the park up to 30 minutes before the reservation time.

Depending on the capacity of the Hangar Y building for the exhibition and for the Epopée du Hangar Y, queues may be organized at the request of the building's security services.

Article 4: Access

Access to and movement within the Hangar Y park are subject to possession of a valid pass:

- Park", "park + expo", "park + immersive experience", "all-inclusive" tickets issued by an automatic ticket dispenser, a ticket office or purchased online;

- Workshop tickets (child, adult or family) ;

- Pass Y and Pass petit Y ;

- Confirmation of reservation at the Hangar Y restaurant;

- Reservation certificate for groups ;

- Invitation or Pass.

Access to and movement within the Hangar Y exhibition areas are subject to possession of a valid admission ticket:

- Exhibition, park + exhibition, park + immersive experience and all-inclusive tickets;

- Pass Y or Pass petit Y ;

- Workshop tickets (child, adult or family) when a visit to the exhibition is planned in the workshop in question;

- Reservation certificate for groups ;

- Invitation or Pass.

Access to the Hangar Y immersive experience requires a valid pass:

- All-inclusive "Hangar Y Epic" tickets;

- Invitation or Pass.

Access to the workshop is subject to possession of a valid pass:

-Children's workshop", "adult workshop" and "family workshop" admission tickets;

-Invitation or Pass.

Visitors must retain this pass for the duration of their visit. Visitors may be required to show a valid pass at any time. Visitors who are unable to produce a valid pass are asked by reception and security staff to leave the premises. All tickets issued cannot be returned or exchanged.

Visitors are forbidden to enter areas inaccessible to the public or the Hangar Y site outside public opening days and hours, unless expressly authorized by Hangar Y management. Only Hangar Y staff and people hired for specific events are authorized to enter areas inaccessible to the public or outside public opening days and hours.

Children under 13 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Article 5: Mobility

The park and hangar are accessible to wheelchairs and baby carriages.

Le Hangar Y declines all responsibility for damage caused by the means of locomotion and baby carriages to third parties or to their own users.


Article 6: General information

Visitors are asked to respect safety instructions and avoid disturbing the premises by their attitude, dress or words.

In the general interest, visitors are required to follow recommendations or comply with injunctions issued by Hangar Y staff for health or safety reasons.

Any threat or insult made against Hangar Y staff or its service providers in the performance of their duties will result in prosecution of the perpetrator(s) and a ban on entering or remaining on the Hangar Y site. It is strictly forbidden to make violent, racist or sexist comments; sexist behaviour is punishable by law.

Parents and guardians are responsible for their own actions.

Article 7: Specific prohibitions

It is forbidden to bring onto the Hangar Y site :

- Weapons and ammunition of all categories ;

- Explosive, flammable or volatile substances ;

- Illegal products and substances ;

- Dangerous objects (sharp, pointed, heavy, bulky or foul-smelling) likely to cause a nuisance to other visitors or present a danger to the works on display;

- Works of art or reproductions ;

- Large suitcases and bags;

- Any pointed, sharp or blunt object.

It is strictly forbidden to:

- Entering the Hangar Y site while intoxicated;

- Bringing alcohol onto the Hangar Y site;

- Smoking in the Hangar Y building. This provision also applies to the use of electronic cigarettes;

- Swimming or wading in the pool;

- To circulate in interior spaces in indecent dress, especially shirtless;

- Bicycles and scooters for children under 6 years of age are tolerated on the paths as long as they do not harm the public (the absence of a barrier around the pool makes it a high-risk area: children are under the watchful eye of the adults accompanying them);

- Climbing on the sculptures or attempting to climb them;

- Throwing seeds or depositing any food to feed animals;

- Damage plantations, break or cut flowers or foliage

- Playing ball or any other games likely to cause incidents or accidents;

- Except in the event of a disaster, use emergency exits and fire escapes;

- Touching works of art and decorations (with the exception of specific devices provided for this purpose), leaning on showcases, pedestals and other display elements;

- Putting up graffiti, posters, marks or dirt;

- Throwing litter on the ground, especially chewing gum or cigarette butts;

- Eating or drinking in the Hangar Y building outside the designated areas;

- To carry out collections, to engage in any trade, advertising or propaganda, to distribute leaflets of any kind;

- To behave in a rowdy, insulting, violent or aggressive manner towards staff and other visitors;

- It is forbidden to light fires or use stoves or barbecues;

- Disturbing other visitors with noisy demonstrations, especially by listening to music.



Article 8: General information

Hangar Y provides self-service checkroom facilities for its visitors. The following items must not be left in the checkroom:

- Sums of money, means of payment, securities and identity papers;

- Valuables, including jewelry, photographic and video equipment, computer hardware and cell phones or tablets;

- High-value handbags or clothing.

All items deposited in the checkroom must be removed on the day of the visit, before the site closes.


Article 9: Obligatory deposit

Unless specifically authorized in writing by Hangar Y, it is not possible to bring into the exhibition areas :

- Umbrellas;

- Suitcases, bags and objects larger than 55cm x 40cm x 25cm;

- Motorcycle and bicycle helmets;

- Camera stands and supports;

- Works of art or facsimiles or reproductions or casts of works of art;

- Strollers for busy periods;

- Food and beverages;

- Scooters, skates and rollerblades.

These items must be deposited in the changing rooms, subject to locker availability.

Article 10: Liability

Le Hangar Y declines all responsibility for the disappearance of, or damage to, objects and personal effects in its building and on its site for which it is not responsible.

Article 11: Lost and found

Lost and found items (credit cards, identity papers, etc.) must be handed in to a member of Hangar Y staff. Hangar Y will hold these items for their owners for 48 hours, after which they will be handed in to the nearest police station or to the Central Lost and Found Office of the Préfecture de Police.

Other items found will be held by Hangar Y for their owners for 30 days, and may be claimed from the security desk. In any event, any items handed over to Hangar Y with its agreement and not removed will be retained by Hangar Y.



Article 12: Reporting

Visitors must contribute to safety by reporting any accidents or abnormal events to the security guards or Hangar Y staff.

Article 13: Behavior in the event of evacuation

If evacuation of the site or building is necessary, it will be carried out in an orderly and disciplined manner under the guidance of Hangar Y staff, in accordance with the instructions they have received.

Article 14: Behavior in the event of an accident

In the event of accident or discomfort, it is forbidden to move the patient or casualty, to make him drink or to administer any medication before the arrival of the emergency services.

If one of the visitors is a doctor, nurse or first-aider, he or she may remain with the patient or casualty until he or she is evacuated; he or she is asked to leave his or her name and address with a Hangar Y agent on site.

Article 15: Children

Children remain the responsibility of their parents. Lost children are entrusted to a Hangar Y agent, who accompanies them to the ticket booth. If necessary, and in any case after Hangar Y has closed, the lost child is taken to the nearest police station.

The playground is reserved́ exclusively for children whose age ranges are indicated by a sign placed on the playground or on the game.
Play areas may only be used by children under the supervision and full responsibilitý of their parents or carers.


Article 16: Alert and requisition

No work may be removed or moved in the presence of the public during Hangar Y opening hours. Any visitor witnessing the removal of a work is entitled to report it.

In accordance with article R642-1 of the French Penal Code, everyone is required to lend a helping hand to Hangar Y staff when the assistance of visitors is required by the competent administrative authority.

In particular, in the event of attempted theft on the Hangar Y site, warning measures may be taken, including closing access and controlling exits.

Article 17: Video protection

A video surveillance system under the responsibility of Hangar Y's head of security is installed in the various areas open to the public, to ensure the safety of people and property. This installation is governed by a prefectoral authorization (article L252-1 of the Code de la sécurité intérieure).

Article 18: Site closure and other measures in the event of a risk to the safety of people and property

In the event of overcrowding, unrest, strikes or staff shortages, and in any situation likely to compromise the safety of people or property, Hangar Y may be closed in whole or in part, or its opening hours modified. The head of Hangar Y or her representative may take any measures required by the circumstances.



Article 19: General information

In the outdoor areas of the Hangar Y site, any action likely to threaten or undermine the safety of persons and property is strictly prohibited, in particular :

- Chasing, jostling, slipping ;

- Climbing ;

- Hindering traffic ;

- Practice exercises or games likely to disturb the tranquillity of the premises, cause accidents or damage the structures;

- Put up posters or mobile signs and make inscriptions or graffiti of any kind;

- Throw paper or garbage on the ground, especially chewing gum or cigarette butts;

- Camp or set up any camping equipment for a short time.

Leashed dogs are allowed in the outdoor areas of Hangar Y. Pets are not allowed in the hangar, workshop or restaurant.



Article 20: General information

Groups (10 to 20 people) must reserve a visit time in advance with Hangar Y's Direction des Publics. Admission to the Hangar Y site is subject to presentation of the reservation certificate sent to the group leader.

The group leader undertakes to comply with all the provisions set out in the booking form (schedule, number of people, planned entertainment, price and method of payment) and to inform Hangar Y's Direction des Publics of any changes.

Article 21: Headcount limits

In exhibition areas, the size of each group may not exceed the limits laid down by current regulations. This limit may be communicated on request, notably to reception and ticketing agents in the Hangar Y building.

For school groups, a minimum number of accompanying adults is required, as specified by Hangar Y at the time of booking.

Article 22: Additional restrictions

A group may also be refused entry if its size does not meet safety standards, or if the number of accompanying adults, particularly for groups of minors, is not in line with current regulations.

The head of the establishment may, at any time, restrict the usual conditions of access and group visits, depending in particular on the capacity of the Hangar Y building, technical constraints or safety.

Article 23: Interaction with other visitors

Group visits must comply with the visiting conditions set out in the regulations, and must not cause any inconvenience to other visitors.



Article 24: Photographs, filming and filming

In the exhibition spaces and more generally within the Hangar Y building and site, it is understood that any photography or reproduction of works presented (and their representation) may only be carried out with the corresponding prior agreement of the holders of the rights to these works (in particular literary and artistic property rights), as payment does not constitute authorization.

Visitors are not allowed to use flashes, lighting devices or tripods on the Hangar Y site. It is forbidden to photograph or film the technical installations and equipment or the Hangar Y staff.

Also, photography and sound or audiovisual recordings may be subject to additional restrictions, as indicated on the Hangar Y website.

Article 25: Professionals

Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding article, professional photography, filming, audiovisual recording, and the recording of radio and television broadcasts are subject to a request for authorization from the Hangar Y Communications Department.

Copies of works must be authorized by the school principal. Beneficiaries of such authorizations are required to comply with current legislation, with the Regulations and with any special requirements communicated to them, particularly with regard to the protection of the works to be copied and any reproduction rights.